This is my older son, Derek, when his Dad and I got him a Wii. Actually, it's a cool story how I found it. I had been looking for one for a while. Why don't they just make enough? Anyway, I happened to be at Wal-Mart getting glasses for my younger son, Jim. (he wouldn't let me take his pic with his glasses on!) Jim wanted to go play the games in the electronic section and I was wondering around. Well, I passed what I thought were a bunch of Wii's. I must have walked past them 3 or 4 times. Finally I asked the guy and he informed me that they were Wiis, not just accessories or empty boxes. So I got one. We put the Wii in front of the TV and Derek didnt even see it for a few minutes. He flipped when he did see it though. The story is much better, but I am tired and want ot go to bed. But I had to do this so Jess and Jamie wouldnt get mad at me. Bye.
That is Derek??? Oh my goodness, he looks like you a lot. He is growing up so big... Amazing.
Great job on your blog! Keep it up!
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